Tuesday 3 March 2009

The Stash Room

As there was no real progress on the April Calendar last night due to The Other Half and me needing to 'synchronise diaries' as it were, for the next three months (I could go in to great detail as to why this happens every quarter but no, far too tedious to worth a mention, suffice it to say it's driven by Railway Weekends), I decided to photograph 'The Stash Room'. I've mentioned it a few times on this blog.

Now when we, my sister and me, were little, my Dad used to go to the local tip with garden waste and such, a lot. This was long before the days of kerbside recycling. My Mum used to say, jokingly, I hasten to add, that if she were to ever go missing that was where we had to look for her!

When I disappear for half an hour or so 'The Stash Room' is where I'm to be found.

OK, so reality check, I also spend a lot of time in here because it's also 'The Ironing Room' but all evidence of that mundane activity has been 'airbrushed' from the photos.


  1. How I wish I had a room like that. I have to make do with large plastic boxes under the bed!

  2. What's wrong with that?

  3. Wow it's very tidy for a Stash Room.
