Saturday 18 July 2009

The Hardanger Angel is finished

The Hardanger Angel, a leaving gift for my Headteacher at school, is finished. Her dimensions are 3 1/4 inches tall by 2 1/2 inches wide.

Hardanger Angel
I hope she likes it!

The next Hardanger Angel I will be attempting, hopefully this summer, is also by Ruth Hanke of Hanky Panky Designs. It should end up looking like this.

Millennium Angel of Mercy


  1. These are absolutely beautiful!!! Wonderful job :) Was it difficult??

  2. i am sure she will be pleased. It is always great to be given something made especially for you. Looking forward to seeing the next one nearer Christmas.

  3. I saw your angel from another blog. It's beautiful. I am in a hardanger class right now and I really enjoy it. I will looking forward to seeing your next project.

  4. How lovely.I'm sure she will be delighted. Your next hardanger project looks fantastic- best of luck with it.

  5. Love your angel gift! and can't wait to see your hanky angel start!! WOW!!!

  6. That is so pretty.... I just started hardanger and would love to be able to do those angels.... darn it I have been enabled.... aaaahhhhhh
