Thursday 13 August 2009

Back home to 'Blog of the Month'

This afternoon we arrived back home after a family holiday in Belgium. 'The Other Half' has driven over 1500 miles since August 1st! The only mishap occurred when we were about five miles from home when a large stone, from a lorry, hit the windscreen of the car and caused a very large circular crack. The man from Autoglass is coming out tomorrow to replace the windscreen. We happend to notice that in Belgium/France the Autoglass company is called Carglass, strange but true.

So with that number of miles travelled it's not surprising thet I managed to get quite a bit of stitching done. Here is 'Midnight Ride' a freebie from the Kreinik website.

Midnight Ride
It turns out that the border takes more than one bobbin of the Kreinik braid so I need to order another one to finish it off, also, I've not put in the glow in the dark stars as I need to order the braid for them too. But it's as finished as far as it can be, until the stuff arrives. I really enjoyed stitching this and can't wait to see it 'glow in the dark'. The next challenge is to find a square 'off the shelf' frame to put it in.

I also stared, and finished, as far as possible, Winter from Waxing Moon Designs. Another floss shortage is to blame for this. My Mum has the floss in her stash but forgot to take it with her on holiday so I will have to wait until she gets back to finish this one, as I'm not going to buy another skein just to do 15 stitches!

I also managed to stitch on Boo, from the Just Nan Over the Top and in the Tin series, but not really enough to show, as well as part of a cover kit from 'The World of Cross Stitching'. The latest edition of this magazine was waiting for me on the doorstep when I got home and this blog appeared in their, blog of the month, feature!

So if you are reading this blog as a result of the item in WOXS I hope you like what you see and pop back from time to time.

I'm off to catch up on all the stitchy blogs I read.

Happy stitching!


  1. You have been busy! It all looks great!

  2. The little witch looks great - too cute!

    Congratulations on getting your blog "published"!

  3. Wow, how exciting to get mentioned in the magazine. Congratulations! Your wips look great!

  4. You witch is a prettie! ...and I also love your Winter row.

  5. Glad you had a good hol. I just new you'd get stacks of cross-stitching done. Hope you don't let being 'published'affect the speed of your needle. (I doubt it). Good for you to get a mention. I like your witch, shame you ran out of thread-- Happy stitching to you.

  6. Wow congrats on being published - well done you!

  7. Hi Jen... I've found your blog as a result of the publish in WOXS & I'm very pleased I have. I'm now an avid follower :-)

  8. Love the stitching especially the Winter one. Have you seen the latest Hallowe'en tin and Christmas biscornu from Just Nan?
