Thursday 10 December 2009

I was good ...

... very good in fact. Instead of starting something new this week I stitched on unfinished projects.

Firstly Mary Wigham got an extra evening.

I have also spent two evenings, well one and a half really, on Open House.

What with one thing and another it's been a busy week with not much time spent stitching. The weekend is rather looking that way too as it's another 'Railway Weekend'. I'm Guard on the train on Saturday and this time the destination is Lapland!

Families travel on the train, with Father Christmas, to Lapland. The adults get sherry and a mince pie whilst the children get a gift from Father Christmas. Last year, at about this time, during a Monday morning lesson, one of the pupils in a class asked me If I had done anything interesting at the weekend. I said that I had taken lots of children to Lapland to see Father Christmas. Well, the comments came back like 'wow!' and 'really?'. My reply was, 'Yes, in fact, I went three times.' Only then did it dawn that, maybe, I hadn't been to the real Lapland!

As promised here is some more Christmas stitching. 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' by Joan Elliot. The chart appeared in 'World Of Cross Stitch' about two years ago.

Even if you don't get to Lapland I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. It's all soooo awesome! Love it all.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time!

    Your 12 days of Christmas is beautiful.

  3. 12 days looks so sparkly! It's gorgeous.
    Do you happen to know which volume of WoCS it's in?

  4. ohh... 12 days is so pretty.
    So glad you picked up some WIP. ;)

  5. I have just discovered your site and you do beautiful work. I love to cross stitch and just never thought of doing more than one at once. Thanks for the push.

  6. Your 12 days looks gorgeous. Glad MW has grown a bit and Open House too has progressed.
    You really do a lot of pieces at one go, I wish I could get the hang of doing that.

    Hope your journey to Lapland goes well. I guess your train must be an off-shoot of Dr. Who being able to travel such a distance so quickly. Have a good weekend I'm sure you will. By the way your students---- I'd just leave them guessing!!!!!
    Happy stitching to you.

  7. The twelve days of Christmas is beautiful. I am stitching Victoria Samplers' 12 Days not as complicated as yours but great fun. Hope you've got your thermals with you for your visits this weekend. Happy stitching.

  8. You have such lovely work there. Lapland, I've never heard of Lapland, lol.

  9. Mary Wigham is coming along really nicely.

    Really love 12 Days Of Christmas, I remember what that was published :-)

  10. Love the colour you are doing Mary Wigham in. Your 12 days of Christmas is stunning.
    What a fun thing to doing being a guard on the Santa train.

  11. I am also interested in what issue of World of Cross Stitching that 12 Days was published! It's GORGEOUS!
