Sunday 21 February 2010

A finishing weekend and the cat in the bag!

This weekend I was able to get two more WIPs finished. Firstly I was able to properly finish the Scaredy Sheep Scissor Fob from Shepherd's Bush. Here it is with it's companion piece, here we go a haunting. This is framed in the usual £3.50 ish photo frame from from Wilkinsons but this time The Other Half stained the frame with black wood stain so that it matched the box.

The Hootzi Humbug from Just Nan also got finished. This was not stitched on the suggested fabric but on something else, I've no idea what, as it came from the off cuts box at The Nimble Thimble. Here it is on the light tree. Bye the way The Other Half has not made any comment about the appearance of the second tree yet!

The next photo is one I had intended to post last time but forgot. This is Oscar, he belongs to friends we stayed with last week, and he is inside my floral travel bag!

Thanks for all your comments about Mary Wigham. Have a great stitiching week.


  1. I love the way your frame turned out on Here We Go A-Haunting! Kudos to your Other Half. BTW, he may have noticed the second tree, but chose to keep mum about it, lol.

    Your friend's Oscar is a cutie. I guess that's what my Sandy's tail would look like had it grown out all the way. She was born with a half tail with a little crook at the tip.

  2. Lovely finishing and stitching.

  3. I have just found your blog WOW what super work. Love the SB one in its little frame. I will bookmark you and be back. Love the puddy tat.
    Hugs Barb

  4. Congrats on your finishes. What a sweet picture of the kitty.

  5. Your finishes are fabulous. I have the SB and the JN to do in my pile.I just love the SB box.

    Congrats on finishing Mary Wigham, the color's are beautiful
    Cats are so silly

  6. Great finishes again. I do like the Shepherd's Bush designs. Looking forward to your next post.

  7. Cute pic of the cat. Great finishes - they look so good!

  8. Love your Haunting grouping; it's GORGEOUS!!

  9. Cute finishes! That frame is perfect, it really matches the box.
