Thursday 13 May 2010

Autumn Arbor

This week's new start was the Autumn Arbor form The Drawn Thread. With one evening to go I'm on the top border. Here it is.

This is one of those fancy, at an angle, shots.

The ladybird needle minder has been attached to this piece all week and I haven't had a visit from the frogs! Maybe this is because she is looking on, hands on hips, saying, 'Don't you dare' and either scaring the frogs away or making me more careful, same thing really I suppose. I asked The Other Half what I should call her and he said Matilda so from now on that's what she will be known as.

I took Grannyanne up on her comment on my last post and also made into a needle minder the bluebird from the same chart.


  1. Your DT is beautiful! Love the colors...

  2. Your new start is gorgeous. Love the bug.

  3. A lovely design, and a cute bug!

  4. Beautiful bluebird..

    Your Autumn Arbor is lovely.

    Happy stitching to you

  5. Beautiful stitching, can I ask what type of thread The Drawn Thread designs use? Like DMC, Anchor etc.
    Happy stitching!

  6. Autumn Arbour looks wonderful, the colours & the stitches are really lovely. Can't wait to see more.

  7. It looks like Ms. Sassy Matilda likes her new duties! Awesome stitching, Jen!

  8. Those little needle minders you are stitching are wonderful...I might have to try my hand at one of those (I am jealous :)).
    Your Autum Arbour looks beautiful, I love the colors and all the speciality stitches!
    Take care,

  9. What a beautiful design you are working on.

  10. I love your little needle minder, I've never seen one of these and now I HAVE to have one..LOL Love your blog hun.

  11. Your bluebird looks good. Sorry I thought it was a butterfly, and I have just got new spacs! Love the colours in the Autumn Arbor.
