Thursday 20 May 2010

What shall I stitch next? You decide.

Here is this week's progress picture of the Green Santa. There is still an evening to go on him.

Next week on the rotation it's back to White Nights and after that it's Tea with Honey from Just Nan. This project is almost finished and should take two or three more evenings. I cannot decide which Just Nan design to stitch next so I have decided to have a vote.

The choice is between Scream House, Counting Bats, Floral Fifteen and Merry Fifteen. This is what they look like.
Scream House

Scream House
Counting Bats

Floral Fifteen

Merry Fifteen

So, just for fun, help me make a decision by voting in the sidebar.


  1. I love your Santa.

  2. The biscornu type one looks most useful/ and interesting!

  3. Great progress on Green Santa!

  4. Your green santa is progressing really well. I would vote for Just Nan's counting bats.

  5. Good progress on the Santa. Looking forward to seeing the result of the vote.

  6. I've cast my vote... took me ages to decide!!

  7. Santa is looking good!

    Oh... Counting Bats I still haven't started. I'm making myself wait but it's such a great pattern. ;)

  8. Green Santa looking good. Hope you manage to get it all finished for this Xmas. Looking forward to your vote result. Should be interesting..

    Happy stitching to you.
