Monday 4 October 2010

Some progress is better than none at all!

That's how I feel about The Cream Santa. In reality I'm almost up to his beard but there's a lot more stitching to do on his other side.

This weekend was a Railway Weekend and despite a ten hour shift in the signal box on Saturday I managed to complete the stitching on the Blackbird Designs Halloween stocking called 'Trick or Treat'.

I should be able to finish this off into an ornament for the light tree next weekend, along with 'By The Full Moon', a design by Tracy Horner, of Ink Circles, which appeared in this year's Just Cross Stitch Halloween issue.

I stitched this on 28ct lilac linen from Zweigart using the recommended overdyed floss.

On the way to 'The Railway' I stitched the October picture for Sylvia's My Little Heart SAL.

So that was it for last week.  This week is Just Nan week and I have a small Spooky item to stitch.  Mind you, this evening it has taken me about an hour and a half to compose this post.  Is anyone else having trouble uploading photos with the new Blogger compose/edit feature? Some of these photos have taken up to five minutes to upload.  I even switched to The Other Half's laptop in case my PC was a fault, hence no fancy signature this time.


  1. Lovely stitching! The more I see By The Full Moon, the more I want to stitch it!

  2. Lovely stitching. I'm totally in love with the By The Full Moon design. I may have to hunt down someone who'll post that mag to the uk!

  3. Lovely stitching. You've got such a lot done. They are all great.

  4. Great stitching there. Beautiful designs that you find. Like the 'Full Moon' design. Hope you enjoyed your signaling.

    You're not on your own with 'blog' problems. Sounds as though we had the same gremlin. Very off putting and frustrating. Still you got there. Yippee.

  5. What a magnificent embroidery!
    Bravo to you
    Best regards marylin

  6. I love all of the projects you're working on. You do such lovely stitching :)

  7. How nice that you have made some nice stitching progress on several pieces. It always makes one feel that a bit of stitching here and there provides a wonderful feeling of "accomplishment"!
