Wednesday 26 January 2011

Tuscan Gardens UFO

Apologies for the lack of posting recently. Lack of posting has reflected a lack of stitching on my part, for reasons I won't go into, but which may become apparent in the future.  I have managed to do a little work on my Michael Powell Tuscan Gardens UFO.

Stitching a UFO is probably not the best idea when stitching is the last thing on your mind but I will persevere, at least until the weekend, when I might start something new! Next week I should be stitching on Witches Riding By. I was really enjoying this project before I gave it up for Christmas stitching so I'm looking forward to picking it up again.  I hope if anyone else out there is in a stitching slump you soon get out of it. Start something new! In fact I might just do that this evening on thinking about it. Off to the stash room to see what takes my fancy!

Happy stitching!


  1. You are making steady progress with your UFO I wish I were with mine. Something new gives you a lift. I hope you found something in your stash which you will finish quickly and will give you pleasure. Happy stitching.

  2. Hope whatever is making you feel like not stitching is sorted out soon

  3. I like your Tuscan Garden. Michael Powell designs always look slightly 'wonky' but I think that adds to the appeal of them. Mind you I think I'm more than slightly 'wonky' at the best of times. Decisions decisions on what to pick from your stash!!!! How big's your stash?? There just has to be something in there that will jump out and grab your mojo and get it back into gear. Happy searching and looking forward to seeing your choice.
