Monday 1 October 2012

The final countdown or roll up!

Yesterday I finished the border, mentioned in my last post, after another weeks worth of no stitching in the evening.  An early return from 'The Railway' meant, a last, that I could get some quality stitching time.

So the final few stitches were put in, the beads were stitched in place and then it was time for the final roll up.

The bottom part of this design has not seen daylight for over twelve months!  I was able to put a few stitches in to the border.  The end really is in sight now!


  1. Wow! You inspire me. Can't wait to see it in all its finished glory.

  2. I am soooo in LOVE with this!! Very tempted to take the plunge... I cannot wait to see it finished!

  3. Fantastic Jen. Such a mammoth stitch and see beautiful. Now you can see the final section so a real countdown.

    Keep it up.

  4. I have to admit, it's much bigger than I originally thought. It's also very well done. Beautiful work.
