Monday 2 September 2013

End of holiday round up

I decided not to post last Monday mainly because it was a Bank Holiday here in the UK and, for once on a Bank Holiday the weather was fantastic so I decided to stay outside as long as possible to enjoy the sunshine.  I did, however, take my stitching with me.  Halloween Rules was too big to take out so that was a good excuse to start something new!

I made a start on JBW Designs' Halloween Ornaments stitching Pumpkin and Night Owl.  These are stitched on 32ct Antique Ivory linen with DMC floss.

Once the holiday weekend was over and the weather returned to normal I went back to Halloween Rules and finished it!  Here are some photos of the last few sections.

And finally, the whole thing.

This is now at the framers so I will post another picture when it come back.  

As this is the first week in September it's back to the rotation and it's Halloween week so, I am going to continue with the Halloween ornaments.  With a bit of luck I might get a few more finished.  It was also back to work today after the summer break and my new term's resolution is to pack in doing the school stuff at a reasonable time to allow me some time to stitch each night. We'll see how I get on.

Happy stitching!


  1. Congratulations on finishing Halloween Rules, it looks amazing.
    The ornaments are sweet too.
    Have a great week!

  2. gorgeous, congrats on your finish

  3. OMG Halloween Rules is amazing :O thanks for introducing me to a new design! I can see my September 15th order at 123 Stitch is going to get very VERY big XD

  4. Congratulations on this beautiful finish!

  5. Halloween rules looks like fun so I may give it a crack. I enjoyed last year's Halloween mystery from Lizzie Kate. She does like the long samplers.

  6. Halloween Rules is such a lovely finish! It's a really cool design :)

  7. Congrats on the Happy Dance for Hallowe'en Rules and the two quick stitches too.

  8. Love Halloween Rules. Great finishes :)

  9. Congrats on such a beautiful finish, I bet you can't wait to display it :)
    Best wishes.
