Wednesday, 25 February 2009

White Nights ~ progress so far!

Well here it is ~ White Nights after two evenings stitching! Sorry for the poor quality of the picture but it was taken on the mobile phone. Fingers crossed I can do more tonight as tomorrow I will probably get very little done, what with parent's evening at work, packing for the weekend, yes, this weekend is another 'Railway Weekend' and there's no way I am taking White Nights down to The Six Wheeler as there is too much soot and coal dust ~ White Nights could end up looking like a total eclipse!

I have also realised that in terms of the rotation this is not the best week for doing something big because

  • 'The Other Half' is away this week so I have to cook, well put things in the 'Popty Ping' so less time for stitching. By the way 'Popty Ping' is sort of Welsh for microwave, popty meaning oven and ping meaning, well, ping, so you get the oven that pings!

  • Parent's evening ~ late home from work big chunk of stitching time gone.

  • Railway Weekend ~ travelling time; this weekend is a 'two car job', well car and van job to be exact as we are meeting up in Wales, so no stitching in the car for me (three hours stitching time lost!). Guard's duty on Saturday.

So in future White Night's weeks need to include a non 'Railway Weekend', like next week! We'll see.

On the biscornu front I might have found a suitable one for February. It's a freebie from The Solaria Gallery. However, it seems to be a bit on the large side so I will need to do some modifications. I'm hoping to start this at the weekend, so without much ado I'm off to the 'Stash Room' to sort threads!


  1. Great start on White Nights!
    Hope you have a great time this weekend!

  2. Great start - look forward to seeing it grow!
