Monday, 9 March 2009

The Totally Useless SAL

I found this SAL on Sitchery Doo's blog. All you have to do is find a glass container, fill it with orts and/or other stitchy left~overs and post a picture every month at about the time the full moon. The SAL lasts until December and, hopefully by then you should end up with some 'art'. What a fun idea! So I went in search of a suitable jar that would also be a bit of fun.

Here it is:

What do you think?
With all the reflections this flask is already quite 'arty'. It is a two litre flask, the type used by mad scientists in chemistry experiments. As I am a science teacher I asked the lab techs at school if they had any glassware that they wanted to get rid of and this is what they came up with. I then had to explain why I wanted it, mmm....
If anyone wants to find out more about The Totally Useless SAL click here.


  1. WOW what a wonderful container!!!!!! Kewl
    Just popping in to welcome you to the Totally Useless SAL, with a jar that cute we'll really be looking for some nice stitchy scraps from you (LOL). By the way, it's the NEW MOON -- the dark one (snicker snicker). This month it's March 26th or there abouts that you'll be posting your progress. Stay tuned...there is a Totally Useless Prize at the end of the road. Thanks for joining us!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love your jar. But what is a SAL - useless or otherwise?

  3. Perfect! What a fun ort jar:)
