The Cornflower Biscornu is finished! Here are pictures of the front and back.
Here is the usual picture taken on the mirror.
Now for the details. This was a bespoke chart from Faby Reilly. I stitched it on 32ct antique white linen using the suggested floss (DMC) and beads. I really, really enjoyed stitching this, the colours are fantastic.
I also managed another finish this weekend. The Pale Blue Santa! Here he is.
Today was also the day for putting up the Christmas decorations. Here is one that has been up since Tuesday.
Its called the Christmas Advent Calendar (with charms) and is from Bucilla. I finished this about six or so years ago at about 23.59 on 30 November!
I will post more of my Christmas finishes from the past next time, and hopefully a decent picture of the Christmas Tree. As its Sunday I'm off to stitch Mary Wigham for a few hours. I still have to decide what I'm going to stitch next week - watch this space.
1 hour ago
Your biscornu is lovely. So glad to see Santa has some more finished. I think his advent calendar is great( I've done this one too). I've still to sort out a tree---that means moving furniture etc.etc. Looking forward to your tree pic.
Happy Christmas stitching to you.
Very pretty biscornu! I love the gold on it. Great christmas stitching. x
The cornflower biscornu is fab-u-lous.There is a lot of work in the blue santa and I expect there are more to do. That is obviously a long term project. Have a lovely stitching week.
Wow - love it all!
Congrats on your finishes. Your biscournu is lovely!
both the biscornu and blue santa are beautiful
Beautiful finishes , and love your advent claendar too. Well done
Very beautiful biscornu. I guess it is the best of all I saw even. Did you make the pattern yourself? Or where is it from? I wish I could make the same one oneday.....
Jen, your Cornflower biscornu is superb. You've done such a good job of stitching it, and your pictures are marvelous. It's very exciting to see it all finished. I am so glad that you enjoyed sitching it (and sorry for the 1x1 stitches... ! LOL!)
All the best XXX
The biscornu is lovely, really lovely. The metallic thread adds a really pretty touch.
Some lovely finishes :-)
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