Thursday, 6 May 2010

Tea with Honey

Just a quick one tonight before I settle down to watch the election night TV for as long as I can stay awake. This week I have been stitching on Just Nan's 'Tea with Honey'. I've really enjoyed stitching this. Unfortunately, last night, at about ten o'clock, I noticed that things weren't quite as they should be. Further investigation called for some quite serious frogging. I went to bed at 11.15 having done the necessary reverse stitching and some re-stitching. This is what it looks like so far.

As they say I'm on the home straight with this one but will I get it finished before we know who has won the election, or not, as the case may be? Who knows, like I say it depends how long I can stay awake.

Happy election night!


  1. A lovely piece!
    Can't wait to see it done. :)

  2. A lovely piece of stitching.

  3. That is looking great. Hope you didn't stay up too late because we now know we have a hung parliament. Happy stitching weekend.

  4. Jen oooh very pretty ... the colors are really super nice!
    Have a nice weekend!

  5. Such a pretty piece, have a lovely weekend :)

  6. Really lovely piece, shame the frogs paid a visit, look forward to seeing the finish.

  7. What lovely colours. Looking forward to seeing it finished.
    Happy stitching to you.

  8. Glad the frogs didnt stay too long they paid me a visit last night too. Your JN piece is looking good.

  9. Jen ~
    Love your little attitude Easter Bonnet Bee she is so cute. Tea and Honey is so pretty. Your stitching is amazing I enjoy your blog cause you always have such gorgeous pictures.
    God Bless your stitching fingers.
