Sunday 13 September 2009

A finish of a different kind!

This weekend was a busy one as there was a Steam Gala at 'The Railway'. On Saturday I did a ten hour shift as a train guard and then went onto the buffet and served behind the bar for another four or so hours.

I did, however, manage to get October finished.

October Calendar
The gala was to launch 80072 a British Railways Standard Four Tank Engine. This locomotive was sent to Barry Scrapyard when it was withdrawn from service in the 1960s. As with many Barry locos 80072 was spared the cutter's torch and was rescued by a group of enthusiasts in 1988. This is what she looked like then.

This is what she looks like now.

Some finish!


  1. WOW beautiful finish by you and also by those wonderful enthusiasts.

  2. That has to be the biggest finish ever.

    Your October is great too. My you do put in long hours volunteering- glad you have the stamina.
    Looking forward to your next pics.
    Happy stitching.

  3. I love your October finish!

    My DH is a steam locomotive enthusiast. We have a Steam museum here in PA called Steam Town and you can book tours of the area on these trains. They are beautiful trains! It's sad that they are not used any more but thank goodness they are being preserved for future generations to see.

  4. Love your October. The engine looks magnificent. You would not have thought it possible to change a heap of scrap iron unto that shining monster.
