Thursday 10 September 2009

Stash enhancement required?

This week and last, I have stitched on the October Calendar from Mill Hill. This one has taken longer to do than normal. I'm putting this down to being back at work after a six week break and being tired in the evenings. I also have a cold or something that has been hanging around for the past two weeks and will not shift. Anyway with a bit of luck things should soon get back to normal. The first two to three weeks of a new school year are always the worst. Maybe I should indulge in some stash enhancement as a pickmeup!

October Calendar
Last Sunday I also managed to do a little more on Mary Wigham.


  1. Like the look of your October Calendar. MW's coming along nicely. Sorry you've got a cold, hope it goes soon. Looking forward to seeing your 'Stash Enhancement'. Enjoy choosing it. Happy stitching to you.

  2. I'm just about to start on Mary Wigham. Yours is gorgeous!

  3. Cute calendar and your MW looks great! Love this color. Hope you're feeling better and back into the swing of things soon. And I like the way you think - new stash always helps, is what I say!

  4. Jen ~
    Your Mary W. looks great. I am thinking I will send off for the silks from Vikki Clayton and do mine in that. But then I might do it in all the B-ones. They are interesting, too.
    I also think I will go around the edge like you have then you will know if you have enough fabric.
    Are you making the correction or just leaving it like it was stitched?
    Have you tried any of Vikki's silks yet? They are so nice and stitch up beautifully.
    Take care and Happy Stitching.
    God Bless ~
    P. S. One word ~ enhance! OK two words Stash enhance!
