Monday 9 November 2009

The first Christmas finish of 2009!

The stitching Saturday at my Mum's paid off. I made good progress on Simply Christmas, and was able to finish it yesterday.

Simply Christmas
This was stitched on 28ct lambswool Belfast Linen with the suggested threads. The variegated thread for the lettering is Noel from Weeks Dye Works.

Also stitched on lambswool, but this time 32ct, is Mary Wigham. She had been put to one side during October to make way for Spooky Stitching. So yesterday, after completing Simply Christmas, and it being Sunday, she was back in the rotation. I managed about half a day on her.

Mary Wigham
Simply Christmas was a birthday gift from my Mum and Dad, along with a number of other stitchy items. I could not resist showing you the birthday gift from my sister.

You can understand why she did not trust such a fantastic gift to the post! Thanks Sis it's beautiful! If you are interested in scrap booking and paper craft then check out her blog here.

For my birthday my Mum and Dad also gave my the final month in the Mill Hill 2003 Calendar Series, December, which I am off to start now. As you would expect it is a Christmas theme. Should I stop the rotation, not that it has restarted, and stitch only festive stuff between now and December 25? Tempting indeed. Maybe I'll wait 'till December itself.

Happy stitching, festive or otherwise.


  1. Congrat on Simply Christmas.
    What an incredible present from your sis! It's so beautiful and the words are lovely as well. The very last one made me grin~

  2. Lovely stitching. I love the chubby Santa and snowman. Looking forward to seeing the December calendar picture.

  3. Wow - quick finish! Looks great - Love the stitching in everything!

  4. I love, love your MW thread. Which one did you say you were using? THX

  5. Great stitching. I've gotten stuck in the holiday stitching rut but then Christmas is fast approaching.

  6. What a cute Christmas design! :)

    Those are amazing scrapbook pages. Wow!

  7. Simple Christmas looks wonderful and I love your MW. What a special gift to get from your sister.

  8. I love how Simply Christmas turned out. That Noel WDW is just PERFECT for that pattern.
