Thursday 5 November 2009

Not much to show

As far as stitching goes this has not been a good week. Well it's not really been a week, in reality only Tuesday evening, as last night was spent making the Christmas cake and Monday evening was spent doing this blog! So, for what it's worth here is my stitching so far this week.

This is Simply Christmas from Waxing Moon Designs and was a birthday gift from my Mum. Before we went away I stitched a little more on Open House which is now entering in to the rotation.

This weekend is a Railway Weekend so I am going for a stitchy Saturday at my Mum's. Fingers crossed I have more to show next week!

Off to put a few more stitches into Santa!


  1. I like the overdyed thread in that Waxing Moon piece...what is that?

  2. Jen, I'm doing mine on the Sand Cashel and it is turning out REALLY cool. I get my Just Nan's from Drema at the Needlecraft corner who includes everything. Just enough cut to do the project...pretty much she'll kit them up for you and it is VERY nice. No worries on that end and then I can just jump right into the project when I want to! I'm about 3/4's of the way done with it already and I just started it yesterday (Saturday) afteroon! :)

  3. Nice progress - have fun this weekend!
