Monday 28 June 2010

Only two more houses to go!

Yesterday evening I finished house number six! When all eight houses are finished there will be a major celebration around here I can tell you.

We spent the weekend in London, as it was The Other Half's Sister's birthday so no progress was made on the Christmas decoration or the UFO this weekend. However, two long train journeys did mean that I was able to make some progress on the handbag stitching. The first side of the biscornu is almost complete, needing only the buttons and beads and the back stitch border.

On the rotation this week it's The Green Santa, I could do with finishing him off. In fact, I could do with finishing the whole thing off, may be by Christmas!

I'm off to find out how much I still have to do.


  1. Totally loving the biscornu, it's perfect. Your newly finished house on White Nights is looking good.

  2. Beautiful job on WN - such a lovely piece! Biscornu looks great!

  3. Congratulations on your progressive house 'building'. You'll soon have your 'square' completed. Looking good.

    The biscornu looks lovely.

    Looking forward to seeing 'Green Santa' again. Christmas will be here sooner than you think.

    Happy stitching to you.

  4. I love the biscornu, it's such a nice pattern !The houses look very nice too !
