Sunday 4 July 2010

The Green Santa is finished...

... well almost. There's just a small amount of back stitching to do, then it's on to the Cream Santa, but that's next time.

Yesterday morning I stitched the July picture for Sylvia's My Little Heart SAL.

I managed to stitch my Christmas ornament but very little progress was made on that.

This weekend has been a 'Railway Weekend' without actually visiting a railway. Yesterday we went to a 'do' where the majority of people there had some interest in railways and today we have spent a lot of time cataloguing and photographing bits of The Other Half's railway collection. This contains one or two railway posters, my favourite being this one.

On Friday night it was the Sixth Form Leaver's 'Prom'. I put prom in inverted comas because, unlike the Year 11 Prom this one does not involve ball gowns, stretch limos and a disco in the school hall. Instead it is a sit down meal with disco at a local hotel, the students do dress up but the whole thing is o lot more informal yet more sophisticated. I would say that as I'm the organiser. I got my outfit on Friday afternoon, talk about last minute.

Hope everyone has a great stitching week!


  1. Lovely WIPs and Green Santa is adorable!

  2. Great progress on Santas. They may just be finished for Xmas. Looking very classy for your 'Evening Do' Hope you had a good time.

  3. Green Santa looks great, and your SAL is very cute.
    Have a great time at the "Prom"

  4. Congratulations on your finish. Your green santa looks great, lovely stitching.

  5. Some really lovely stitching there Jen & your outfit looks lovely :-)

  6. Love your Santa tree skirt :)

  7. I hope you had as much fun at your ball as I did at mine :) Great stitching, my favourite is the My Little Heart design. Keep it up!
