Monday 6 December 2010

A festive finish

Last week, despite other Internet commitments mentioned in my last post, I managed two finishes.  First was Sylvia's 'My Little Heart' SAL.  I changed the December picture from the nativity scene designed by Sylvia to a Christmas tree.

Here is the completed piece.  Thanks go to Sylvia for providing this fun SAL.

The second finish was 'Be Jolly By Golly' from Waxing Moon Designs. I stitched this on the recommended fabric, 28ct Wichelt 'Star Saphire' linen, with the suggested over dyed floss.

This should be off to the framers this week so, with a bit of luck I might get it back before Christmas.

I also managed a few stitches on a Mill Hill Festival of Trees decoration. I actually made better progress on this than shown. Only I made a massive error and had to frog quite a lot!

A fortnight ago progress on White Nights was not great so I'm leaving any photos of that project until next time.  Back on the rotation this week it's Just Nan's Festive Fifteen.

Happy stitching!


  1. Two lovely finishes. Sorry to hear about the frogs visiting. They probably popped over from me lol.

  2. Lovely finishes. Tell the frogs they should be asleep somewhere. Looking forward to seeing White Nights again.

    Happy stitching to you.

  3. Lovely finishes. I hiope you get Be Jolly back for Christmas.

  4. Congrats on two great finishes, the Little Hearts SAL looks brilliant all finished up. Happy stitching.

  5. Your SAL looks beautiful. Congratulations on completing it!
