Tuesday 21 December 2010

Pre Christmas update.

Despite not posting for nearly a fortnight I have been stitching. I've now finished ten of the Festive Fifteen squares. Here they all are.

I've made a start on one of the last five squares. There seems to be less work on these so I'm hoping for a Christmas Eve finish, fingers crossed.

Be Jolly By Golly arrived back from the framers.

On Saturday morning we woke up to 17cm of snow! This is the photographic proof.

 As a result of this snow fall I was prompted to finish Icy Hill by Just Nan. I started and finished the stitching on this one in the first week of January, the last time we had any significant snow.  I finished it as a bell pull. The pull ware is made by Framecraft. This picture is not too good but it gives you an idea.

This week I'm stitching White Nights during the day and carrying on with Christmas stitching in the evening, but I'll say more about the later, after the weekend.

Happy stitching!


  1. Be Jolly looks lovely in that frame & I really like the Just Nan. Excellent christmas stitching.

  2. A lovely progress and finish. Your framed piece is lovely. Not so lovely the snow. We would be lucky to have had a inch lol.

  3. Glad to see your finishes. Be Jolly looks lovely. Hope yo get a good sewing week in before the BIG weekend and looking forward to seeing all your progress on White Nights.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. Lovely snowy sewing. Have a merry Christmas

  5. Be Jolly looks great framed. Awesome progress on the Festive Fifteen. I love stitching when it's snowy out :) Merry Christmas!

  6. We didn't get hardly any snow here in Reading, we were the lucky ones! Fabulous stitching, Be Jolly looks wonderful in its frame. Happy New Year to you.
