Sunday 13 March 2011

A finish!

Hot off the needle, here is Little Witch finished!

This project came as a kit. The linen is 32 count Zweigart  Country Mocha and it was stitched with Au Ver a Soie silk threads, some of which were overdyed.  All I need to do now is frame it which will be a job for when I next have a weekend at home.

As mentioned in my last post the rotation is being re launched with White Nights. I've just uncovered it this evening and am looking forward to making a start tomorrow!


  1. Congratulations on the finish! Good luck with White Nights, I love looking at it, but boy, does it intimidate me!

  2. Very cute finish! Can't wait to see progress on your next WIP.

    happy stitching...

  3. Great finish. Looking forward to 'White Nights' being back.

    Good luck with your framing. I've got quite a few to get framed or do myself but have difficulty in finding square frames. OOOOOps

  4. I love the colours used in this design, congrats on a gorgeous finish! Can't wait to see White Nights again, keep up the great progress :)

  5. Great stitching glad you have a finish. I amsure you will soon be back up to speed.

  6. OMG that is adorable. I love Halloween and have never seen that one.

  7. Jenn this is so cute..beautiful stitching..great finish.
    I have my WIP on a frame and started. I am working Drawn Thread Sampler Game Board (all alphabet border and houses...I am loving it.) do want to work this one also..need more hands or stitch faster. LOL
    I am a follower now.
