Thursday 10 March 2011

Some progress at last!

This week I feel that I've got my stitchy mojo back. On Monday evening I was on a roll with Little Witch from Shepherd's Bush. Then disaster! I ran out of one of the threads provided in the kit. Now the kit said that the thread colour was Au Ver a Soie 3844, soft black. So 3844 was duly ordered from Sew and So and as per usual it arrived the next day. Second disaster, the colour I had run out of turned out not to be 3844 as stated on the chart but, after searching through some other Shepherd's Bush kits 3846! So I'm now waiting for that to arrive. This is my progress to date.

I've enjoyed stitching this witch but as I sit on the sofa I see White Nights which has not been stitched on since Christmas so next week I think it might reappear on the rotation, which I am going to resurrect.

Happy stitching


  1. Looking fantastc so far, sorry you ran out of thread. Glad White Nights is getting worked back into rotation.

  2. Love Little Witch - too bad about the thread shortage. At least you can more so it's not a total loss. Really like the fabric choice too.

  3. The Little Witch is looking good. Don't you just hate it when you run out of thread?

  4. Glad your mojo is back. Lovely progress on Little Witch. Sorry you ran out of thread - that is really annoying I know as it has happened to me.

  5. Coming along well. Had they printed the wrong number? Can't you email them and tell then you were short? They'll know then that they may be underestimating !!

    Still glad your mojo has returned and looking forward to seeing 'White Nights' re-awakening from hibernation.

  6. Good to see you're back on stitching form, and with such a lovely design. Can't wait to see more progress, happy stitching to you :)

  7. Looking forward to seeing your progress with witch and White Nights. The latter is a big piece with a lot of work in it but will look fantastic when it is finished.
