Firstly I have a number of Just Nan finishes to show you. As per usual these are stitched on the recommended fabric with the recommended DMC floss. Lets start with Love Birds Tree, the first in the Charmed Heart Trees series from last year.
When I finished this project my next Just Nan one was Little Princess Snow, one of this year's limited edition ornaments. Here she is before finishing.
And made up.
My final Just Nan finish was the Porch Garden Mice humbug, again before finishing and then made up.
I finished, but not in time for Valentine's Day, B My Valentine from The Drawn Thread. This was stitched on 34 count Cafe au Lait Legacy Linen with the recommended NPI and over-dyed silks.
Each of the blocks are just under and inch square, the magnifier was needed to stitch this one! I will probably finish this as a bell put when I find some suitable backing fabric. I enjoyed stitching this one so much that I decided to start the Spring Jumble also from The Drawn Thread. With it being the school Easter holidays I finished it in three days!
This one was stitched on 34 count white Legacy Linen again with the recommended NPI and over-dyed silks. I do not have a massive stash of silks. These two projects came kitted up from The Nimble Thimble. I did frame this myself putting it into a wooden photo frame from Wilkos. The other Jumbles in the series are the same size so I will swap them in and out of the frame according to the season, when I have finished them.
And finally, some Halloween finishes. This is the Hocus Pocus Freebie from Shepherds Bush, the chart came free with the button. They recommended stitching this on 19 count Cork Summer Khaki linen. I do not have any 19 count anything but I did have some 28 count Summer Khaki left over from another project. To make this approximately the right size, so the button did not seem too big, I used three strands of floss over three strands of the fabric. I tried to use the suggested over-dyed floss. Where I didn't have the correct colour I substituted on that was almost there. Again I framed this myself in another photo frame from Wilkos. This took a day to stitch.
Another project that I will frame myself will be this next one, The Boys are Back in Town, a freebie chart from Just Another Button Company which you get when you but the button pack.
This was stitched on over-dyed linen, the chart suggests 30 count graphite from Weeks Dye Works but I don't think this was the fabric used. It was stitched in the correct suggested floss with the exception of the spider's web which I did with glow in the dark white thread from Krienik. I also finished the remaining circular Halloween ornaments from JBW Designs that I had been working on but then photos were not very good so I will need to redo them.
At the moment I have three things on the go, one of which is near completion. That leaves a space on the rotation, which has gone out the window, and it will be taken by the my latest Shepherd's Bush acquisition! More about that next time, hopefully, and fingers crossed next time will not be in three months!
Happy stitching!