It was the turn of the St Nicholas tree skirt in the rotation last week. This Santa has a rather fetching green outfit. He seems to be a woodland Santa as he has a rabbit with him. I have to tell you this because all I managed to stitch of the actual Santa were his boots!

Hopefully, next time, I will make more progress as having guests for dinner and a Parent's Evening at work meant that I only spent two evenings on this.
This weekend was a 'Railway Weekend'. I had an exam on Saturday morning, consisting of a written paper followed by a one-to-one question and answer session. This was my three yearly Guard's exam. It took just over three hours to complete. The good news is that I passed, achieving 92%. I have a practical, on train, exam still to do before July when my existing 'Guard's Ticket' runs out. The ticket is basically a certificate of competence showing that the Guard is up to standard, has a good working knowledge of the rules and regulations and what to do if something out of the ordinary happens, like a passenger train dividing on a journey.
Anyway, back to the stitching. I made further progress on my second Christmas decoration for Yoyo's Christmas Design SAL.

In my last post I mentioned that I have indulged in some stash enhancement. I enjoyed doing 'A haunting we will go' by Shepherd's Bush that I bought 'Into the Night' and 'Happy Haunting'

I also made an impulse purchase having seen an item in the latest edition of 'World of Cross Stitch'. This was the limited edition Floral Travel Bag from DMC. It came with 10 skeins of DMC floss, 20 stitch-bows a packet of needles, a plastic stitch-bow holder and six floral charts to match the bag. I am really please with it. This is the best collage that Picasa could come up with.

This evening it's back to Mary Wigham, I have all ready completed my medallion for the day but I think I might be able to complete another, if I am lucky. That is after I have stitched next week's new start on to the rollers. Watch this space!
Happy stitching!