The threads are starting to go up the neck of the flask, but there is still plenty of space in the flask itself, maybe I should shake it?
This week's dilemma is what to stitch! Should I carry on with Open House, and hopefully finish it, or do the Santas? Strictly speaking it should be White Nights but we break up for Easter next Thursday so I'm going to do that during the first week of the holidays so that I can stitch on it during the day as well as the evenings to progress Part 5 a bit more.

Your Tusal looks great!
I say go for the finish! Open House is so close!
If you finish Open House..it leaves a gap for a new project :)
Well . . . I'm really enjoying the Santas so much so I went looking or a copy of the pattern but Sea has a point about finishing Open House. Tough one.
Decisions, decisions. I think I would go for the quick finish and then make a choice between santas and a new project. Happy stitching.
I'd finish Open House so I could have a dance and a big Yippee. Then I'd have a large cuppa and decide what to do.
Your weekly dilemma happens here every day but lucky for us, there is always something lurking around the next corner just waiting to be worked on.
Be always in stitches.
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