This is a blog about my stitching projects. People have commented that I am a fast stitcher, hence the title of the blog, but I do my fair share of frogging or reverse stitching. So here it is the highs and no doubt, the lows of being a stitcher!
Today it's the new moon and time for a picture of my ort jar for the Totally Useless SAL. As I was taking it upstairs to photo The Other Half commented that there wasn't much in it! Mmm, I replied that I am very frugal with my orts. Especially as over here, Treasure Braid, hand dyed silk and all the other speciality floss that are used in Chatelaine designs, Waxing Moon Designs etc are VERY expensive. Very little DMC floss in this jar so far!
So here is my contribution to the Totally Useless SAL this month.
At the end of stitching tonight this is how 'The Red Santa' looks.
The picture does not show the metallic embellishments on his coat and I have to say that in the end I frogged all the French Knots except the ones in his eyes as I did not like them. There is quite a lot of couching to do but I am going to leave that until the whole thing is finished. So the next time this hits the rotation it's on to 'The Pale Blue Santa'. A sort of finish for this week or not?
I rashly said over breakfast that I might even get him finished this week and then it is on to 'The Blue Santa'.
Marking update 50/75 and 1/68, red pen is going into melt down!
Marking update 6/75, getting there ~ slowly. But next week I will have 68 Y11 mock exams to be marked and by 2nd April. So if I am absent from this blog for a bit you know what I am doing, not stitching that's for sure!
This week it's the turn of White Nights. I'm hoping to finish part 1! I think Sitchery Doo is starting the Hawaiian Mandala this week so we will be having our own mini SAL!
I've had a bit of a spending spree on Just Nan charts and embellishment packs; Floral Fifteen and all three parts of Barnabee's Quest, to go with When Barnabee Met Bella already in the stash. That's what the lilac linen is for and the antique white just comes in handy! The lilac linen is such a nice colour I'm also going to do The Purple Thread's biscornu on that using the left over silks from the Spring Arbor.
Here is the progress so far this week on Simply Summer.
Next comes the lacing. I pull the pins out as I go because I always catch the lacing thread on them.
Hundreds & Thousands come in lots of nice colours, so do Mill Hill beads. When you knock them onto the floor they both go ALL OVER THE PLACE! as I found out to my cost last night. Now normally I do my sewing on the settee, and I know that if I rest the beads on the arm then they are likely to tip up so I always, always, always shut the lid on my trusty bead container. As mentioned in the post 'In car sewing' (26/01/09) this little box is brilliant at stopping spillages.
Last night I thought I'd be sociable and keep The Other Half company in the kitchen whilst he was 'creating'. Trusty bead box on the table, not too close to the edge, lid open. Don't ask me how I did it but I caught my trusty little box and sent the whole lot flying! No exaggeration they went everywhere! It took me an hour to pick them up and that included taking a short cut with a dust pan and brush. I even found some this morning.
As you can imagine progress on April was not as good as expected but I'm still hoping to finish it this weekend, fingers crossed.
By the way my name is Stripey and if Stewey over at Spinster Stitcher's Blog can post, then so can I, but I think he's better at it than me and he's a dog! This is my photo. I am sitting on my favourite step but the photographer didn't get my best side!
Did I mention that as my Mum was fixing the breakfast this morning I chucked up all over the kitchen floor? I'm off to hide somewhere where they won't find me. The airing cupboard is probably the best place as I haven't hidden in there for ages!